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  • #40024

    Ya, that’s me, just a recoveredcrackhead trying to help others relieve their pain and suffering.
    It is possible, I’ve done it. Spent a good part of my 50 yrs in a haze. Primarily weed,that’s my “drug of Choice”, then I found crack, twice, that’s my “Drug of Chaos”. A few rehabs, in-patient, out-patient, half-way houses, a bunch of self-help groups cause this agnostic was special. In the end, God blessed me with some insight and in return I try to help others, Funny how that works,

    I hope I find my way back here. I do a lot of forums. Same name, Same title.

    Be Well,

    Larry live

    Hello to Me,

    That’s right I am him or he is me, I forgot a bunch of stuff. But I don’t think it matters. Not a lot of activity around here. Google my name/topic, I’m out there if you need to talk.

    Be Well,

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