Im new to my recovery. how does this website work?

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    Laura Kay G

    Im new to my recovery. im interested in how this website works. Ive been going to na meetings in my town and they seems helpful to people who have a sponsor but i havent really gotten to know anyone wellmenough to get a sponsor. So my counselor told me to check out this website. How do i find a community here?

    Heidi Quist

    You found it Laura!! 🙂 There are lots of people on here listening, reading and wanting to share their experience, strength and hope!! Hope are you doing so far?? I remember when I first started going to meetings…I felt like I didn’t fit in and I didn’t know how to find a sponsor. The best info I was given was keep showing up and at someone point someone will say something you relate to or that really helps you process things you are going through. I found a sponsor just by going to my meetings over and over again and she kind of fell into my lap! 🙂 If you want there are also meetings on this site that people share their experience, strength and hope and I know many have talked about what you are talking about! I hope I get to meet you in the rooms! Are you going okay now?

    Ashlee Carnell

    I am interested in also seeing how this website works too. Does it cost anything for any of the serverices? One on one counseling, etc? I am new to recovery also. I am on day 1 now. Praying to make it further

    Heidi Quist

    It cost nothing…there is no counseling on the site…just online meetings and a recovery community of people you can talk to! – Heidi

    Heather L

    I also didn’t open up for nearly a year at groups. Like Heidi said, just keep going and eventually you will find people you connect with. You can check out different meetings to see what the best fit is for you. Good luck to you on your journey!

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