Newcomer to recovery ~~ Overwhelmed and Failing!!

Home Forums Get Addiction Help! Relapse Help Newcomer to recovery ~~ Overwhelmed and Failing!!

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    Jessica Gregory

    Can’t even make it through the ride home from rehab before I go searching for my DOC meth relapsed the next night and I was able to get more of it than a week later which was Friday night and done it then Saturday and Monday I have to stop it has already caused me to have Psychosis that nearly cost me my life. I still have not received the therapy to help me through the leftover damage and I use meth to escape from the stuff I have been through that I try to keep burried and the psychosis had my painful memories as a attack I need to no have extensive therapy to feel like I’m not already so dead inside I’ll never get to feel like people who can smile or say had good day.
    But I don’t think this recovery site works at all and need to get help fast

    Heidi Quist

    Hey Jessica – I hope you are doing okay and you are getting what you need. I remember my drive home from rehab and my brain did switch to..when am I going to get my next high?? I remember the “Pink cloud” that I was in when in treatment all fade away because I was gone from my safety net! 🙁 I had to find a meeting right away and a sponsor as soon as I could. If you can try to make it to a meeting or pick up the phone and call someone!! Hope you are doing well. – Heidi

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