Prayer & Meditation

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    Jenna F.

    What do you guys all do for your prayer and meditation practices?

    Heidi Quist

    I’m not a huge meditation person but prayer works for me and I typically like to make a special time every day that I do it and if something arises that I need help with I normally throw up a prayer then as well. I try to through pray when I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude as well. I normally pray at night time. I know lots of people do yoga and other exercises but I love to run and listen to music, that is the way I meditate. Heidi

    Sol R

    I had a lot of judgements and negative feelings when I first heard of prayer and mediation in the program. Since then it has become an essential part of my life. I engage in daily morning readings and also sometimes good to meditation meetings. I pray before I go to bed at night…sometimes just saying “Thank you”. I have also learned to pray throughout the day and ask for help with a specific situation. It is kind of interesting my day seems to go better when I do this.

    I am interested to hear others experience.

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