needing help

Home Forums Alcoholism 12 Steps of AA Discussions needing help

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  • #16238
    Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi, I am new to this ON-line Recovery Community but, I am very much interested in joining, the Group. I have had a relapse, recently and an struggling to stay sober. can someone,. please tell me how this work, on line,?


    I’m new at this too. Thought there would be more people on here to talk too.

    Heidi Quist

    You can write forum posts and get feed back from others on the site! Join online meetings where you can hear some experience, strength and hope from others just as you would in an AA meeting. On the homepage look at the schedule for online meetings. IF you have questions about recovery or being stuck on something write it in the forums here people will write back and try to share their experience, strength and hope with you!

    Heidi Quist

    People are on here you just have to friend people, go to online meetings and share in the forums and get people to talk about things in recovery! Share your experience, strength and hope to others through the forums!

    Sol R

    Hi Lilly! It’s great to see you become part of our community. Please continue to reach out, add friends and share your experience in our online meetings. The site is a great way to connect with others and demonstrates the power of “We”. Hope you have a great day!

    Michael T S

    Hey Lynn I am new to this to. seems like this could be a very useful tool in recovery if we can all connect and support each other!!! :-))

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)