I wasn’t aware of the warnng signs

Home Forums Preventing Relapse Relapse Warning Signs I wasn’t aware of the warnng signs

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    Anonymous Anonymous

    I had to learn the hard way about relapse prevention. I was asked 2 days ago what was I going to do different. I was hesitant and then thought about it and this is a couple things that I need to watch for.
    Hungry, angry, tired, selfishness, resentment, bitterness and handling my emotions all of these things and to reach out, I never did that.
    For me I would not even think about it and be off and running so this time I have completely turned my will and life to God. No more my way but to have complete dependence in my HP. I must not become complacent, but be vigilant and recognize the signs and do something about it.
    Realizing and remembering that my disease is cunning, baffling and powerful and that I am without defense from the first drink. I am starting all over (again) and I do not want to drink again if I do I will die. I must apply the principles of this program or I am doomed to drink again.
    I have a long road to tow as there is more things that I have to do and right now all I can do is one day at a time. Walk with me because I can’t do this alone

    Heidi Quist

    I have always tried to remember for me it was the “WE” part of the program that saved me. I always have to reach out no matter what I am feeling and if I am always honest then it’s going to make my recovery that much easier. Thanks for writing this today I needed to be reminded of these things! 🙂 Heidi

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