Coping With Drug Addiction

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    Brian Burgess

    Addiction is a devastating disease that affects not just the addict, but the addict’s loved ones as well. Living and dealing with a drug addict is a painful experience that can have long-lasting emotional, behavioral and financial consequences on those involved with the addict. The best way to avoid these consequences is to encourage the addict to seek treatment before his or her disease destroys the family

    kevin Finn

    Umm, well I woudn’t call it a “disease”, but seeking help is always a good thing. 🙂

    Brian Burgess

    I know ‘disease’ may not be the apt word to use but it was used to describe how the problem of addiction effects you and you surroundings.It is nothing less than a cancer, which slowly damages the body,and makes the person incapable of any thing at all.Here the addicted person is suffering ,and so is the family,which also is going through the process of slow and painful experience of seeing a loved one waste away his/her life.

    Jodi L

    At times I struggle with the concept of Alcoholism being a “disease” because I am watching my dear sister die from terminal cancer. There is a difference…..I did not choose to become an alcoholic, just as my sister did not choose to be stricken with cancer. I have a choice to recover from this “disease” with the help of many great people in the recovery community. Even though many people are helping my sister, no one can “really help her”. There is no choice for recovery. Her disease is fatal, just as alcoholism is.

    The impact and devistation on other family members is great in both cases. My drinking caused problems…..this was my doing and no one else was to blame. The love, caring and compassion towards my sick sister is also filled with sorrow, remorse, pain, anger and frustration. These feelings are present towards myself as well but is directed in much more of a negative way. I get it. I understand it. I accept it.

    I get a chance to make a change for the better in my life and for everyone around me. When I look at my sister I ask myself how could I have been so selfish? Then I ask god to grant us both another 24 hours.

    It is true that the end result is the same. Death.

    I choose to live.

    Brian Burgess

    It is really sad to read that your sister is suffering from terminal cancer.It is indeed very painful to see a loved one waste away in front of your eyes and you are not able to do anything about it.I can gather from the post how much you love your sister.You are a kind soul and I am going to pray for you and your sister so that she spends her last few days with you in a good and painless way.But another thing that touched my heart was that you have recognized your drinking problem and are ready to get over it. As you said”I choose to live”.It takes a whole lot of courage to take such a decision in such adverse circumstances,but have faith in God and all will be good for you and your sister.God Bless.

    Jodi L

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers Brian.

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