Can I get Proof of attending a meeting?

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    Abby Cathey

    I am so grateful for something so wonderful I can go to in the comfort of my own home. I need to attend these meetings to understand how to keep being sober. I have been sober since july 11, and want to continue to stay that way. I have struggled with addiction since the age of 18. I have been in and out of jail due to drugs and have also lost custody of my children twice. In the midst of these last 14 years, 7 of those years I was sober. I relapsed last year and it was on full blast. I was diagnosed with some very serious illnesses and instead of dealing with it, I chose to run and use drugs as my coping mechanism. Now I for the second time I have lost temporary custody of my children and having pending charges. I have to pick up these pieces and prove to the court that I am going to do whatever it takes to stay clean and sober. Lets just say the judge is tired of these excuses so the burden of proof is left on me and I have to attend these meetings for my recovery process and I was wondering if there is anyway that I can get prove that I have attended these online meetings when I am not able to drive 20 miles to the nearest meetings. I actually believe that these meetings are such a blessing and I am so thankful that I have found this. So long story short, Is there anyway I can prove that I have attended these online meetings? And again thanks for starting this program, It is so wonderful!!!

    Heidi Quist

    I am one of the Trusted Servants for the online meetings here on myRecovery. I will send a message to the staff and ask if that is something we can do. I have signed cards before for other people when they show up at meetings but never for online. I will look into it. Glad you are going to join the meetings it will be great to hear your experience, strength and hope in the meetings! There is an online meeting tonight with dj but I know he can’t sign or document anything. I will ask some others about this. Not sure what part of the states you are from but tonight’s meeting is at 8 PM CT(central). Hope you are having a good day!
    Heidi Q.

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