Brand New to this Site ~ a Few Questions

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  • #3659
    Gregory O’Neill

    I am trying to do this from an IPad 3…I am unable to upload a Profile pic…I click on the edit button and nothing happens….is this not made for an IPad?

    Also, I tried to join a chat or even start one but I did not see any a chat rooms in session or a way to start one…are there so few members that finding a chat is sort of hit or miss at this point.?

    Lastly, I went to sign into a meeting at 1:05 pm…the meeting started at 1pm…if you are late are you blocked from joining in?

    Thanks so much to anyone who can help me get started….this is such a great idea…I can’t drive, and I’m in a fairly remote area making it difficult to get to a meeting every day…whomever started this, you rock!

    Greg O’Neill



    I don’t think this site is accessible for an ipad3, but I’m still learning it myself and not really sure. I had to download google chrome in order to be able to log on, my firefox browser didn’t want to work.

    I’m finding the same is true for me when I try to go to a chat room. This website is pretty new, so their aren’t that many users yet. I’m hopeful that it will improve with time.

    The meetings that I have attended will let you log in late, and I believe that’s pretty common. I’ve only been to one meeting, but the host person told me that people come late all the time.

    Hope this helps!


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