Any advice on getting sober would be awesome!

Home Forums Alcoholism Share Experience Strenght and Hope Any advice on getting sober would be awesome!

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    Georgia Reilly

    I’m 24 and have been a heavy drinker for just over a year now. I drink every day, mostly at night time, at least a 375ml bottle of vodka if not more. I drink for many reasons that I won’t bore everyone with but I could sure use some tips and advice on kicking the habit! I haven’t told anyone in my life about my problem so I hope to get better by myself which means lots of research and probably a little trial and error. I think weaning myself off will be where I start, drinking less and less each week. I’d love to know a little about what to expect and some ideas on what to do health wise to make sure my body doesn’t suffer any more harm than I’ve already inflicted. Congratulations to everyone who has been successful in this journey, I hope to be one of you soon!

    Spencer L Fraise

    Welcome to myRecovery! I would definitely attend some of the online video meetings here on the site as a start.

    Sol R

    Hey Lucy,

    Please let me know if you would like to speak further about this…I am able to put you in contact with some really great women who can help you start your journey!


    Heidi Quist

    I can relate to your story! Please message me and friend me on and we can talk. I would love to share my experience, strength and hope with you!
    Heidi Q

    Christopher Lord

    Way to extend the hand of AA to that lady. I hope she has the willingness to follow through with contacting and God willing she is ready to work the steps.

    Stephanie Therese Thomas

    If you are still looking for someone to discuss your experience with and offer support please don’t hesitate to friend and message me. I am now over four months into recovery and would welcome you to reach out. Hearing others experiences, especially other women, has been extremely helpful for me in this journey. Take care and be well!

    Ken Nersten

    We’ll be definitely helping you with you problem. So don’t worry about it. Sharing experiences with each other is what makes us strong. 🙂
    Welcome to the journey of getting sober. It’ll be hard at starting, but you have to do this. Don’t forget to message me if you need any help.

    Ken Nersten

    We’ll be definitely helping you with you problem. So don’t worry about it. Sharing experiences with each other is what makes us strong. 🙂
    Welcome to the journey of getting sober. It’ll be hard at starting, but you have to do this. Don’t forget to message me if you need any help.

    Brian Burgess

    With a will power you have,you will definitely succeed..Best would be to join a rehab centre, and undergo proper counselling.Would be great if your family and friends also stand by you in these trying times..good luck !!

    kevin Finn

    Looks like you’ve started on the right path and have done some research. Little by little you can cut down. From what I hear, smoking is the hardest addiction to quit, but doing it cold turkey is not the way to go. Please keep me informed as to how it works out. Wish you the best.

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