5 Days Sober

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  • #16213
    Alfred P

    [b] I cant remember that last time I felt this good… I know its only been 5 days but for me that is HUGE …. Feeling Blessed I am really happy to be alive and am glad have a chance to correct all that I have wrong in this life. I very good friend told me;

    When the pain of your lifestyle hurts less than the fear of asking for help.. you are on your way !!!

    God Bless all , your all in my prayers!!

    Keep on trying !! It Works if you work it !![/b] [img]http://www.myrecovery.com/images/fbfiles/images/386.JPG[/img]

    Robert DeBuhr

    Congrats! I have 100 plus days sober and it isnt easy but it is possible for to get there to. Keep doing what your doing.

    Heidi Quist

    Awesome! I love reading these forum posts! Congrats on the start in your recovery! 5 days is HUGE!!! Keep coming back! Excited to hear more about your journey!

    Bill D

    Congratulations!! Way to go!

    Sol R

    Thank you for reaching out Alfred! I remember the feeling of my first few days and continue to be amazed by the journey. Stay on the path and keep reaching out, its an inspiration.

    Alfred P

    Thank you so much … days are good and bad but I will keep trying till I beat this. GOD Bless !

    Alfred P

    Thank you so much … Have my ups and downs ( 3 teenagers ) and guess that is what breaks my heart but I know one day they will see all that I have done for them…Thanks again Heidi Day 12 for me .. WOO WOO GOD Bless you and yours always !!

    Alfred P

    Thank you Sol .. Its an everyday battle but I will not quit until I am the old sober self that my family loves.. Hope all is well Take care and GOD Bless Always.

    Alfred P

    Thanks Robert .. Its a battle but one that I will not give up on Congratz to you for your 100 day+ I can only hope to get there.. GOD Bless Always

    Robert DeBuhr

    It is truly by God given strength that I can honestly say I don’t struggle anymore. The grips of addiction have no hold on me. I have been battling addiction for years and by the grace of God I have been set free!!!!!

    Alfred P

    All Praise be to GOD .. Happy t see that I have hope just as you have found…May GOD keep you safe and sober …

    Alfred P

    AMEN to you bro ,,,,Meet you there soon 😉

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