Re: Pride and denial? Or maybe not such an issue?

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Heidi Quist

Marie – I went through this exact thing…feelings, rationalizing, justifying, minimizing…one person told me if it was all I ever thought about then to grab the Big Book read it and see if I relate. There are many many stories in the Big book, I don’t relate to all of them but I relate to a few and that was how I knew. They told me if I could relate to just one, then I was an alcoholic. It was hard to get the words out of my mouth…Hi I’m Heidi, I’m an alcoholic…it made me want to cry, I almost felt defeat. Altho…the first time I said it I felt a huge weight off my shoulders for some reason. I finally learned how I ticked and the people in the meetings got me and I got them…it was CRAZY! I started to realize this is where I belong a couple nights a week, with people that get my crazy thoughts, insanity and life. Now 6 years later I wouldn’t have changed anything I did for the world. My life is so much better. I could tell whenever stress came before I would jump to the bottle but now…I call my sponsor, my friends, my family etc…I live life on life’s terms. It’s crazy! Thanks for sharing your story I loved it and it helped me today, thank you for that! I hope all is okay, keep writing I would love to share my experience, strength and hope! – Heidi