Re: New to the site

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Anonymous Anonymous

Heidi– Thanks for your support and I identifying, I am learning that I need to always reach out and always know that I am not alone. I have a tendency by choice to be on my own and when that happens I am doomed for failure. I am excited to join a group of recovering alcoholics. I look forward to getting to know you.

Sol– I look back at those 13 years and I was living in freedom but what happened was I got away from meeting for about 2 years and I began my setup for relapse and not knowing began to turn into a dry drunk, still not knowing this either. Eventually I had the desire to drink and I was so far from AA it did not even occur to me to go to a meeting or make a phone call. I was unarmed as they we are without defense when it comes to alcohol. If we are not spiritually fit, then we are in for trouble. I stopped living the principles, and became selfish and did everything that I did became selfish. We have to stay on top of this disease or I do anyway. Right now it is one day at a time, and I have the want to, to do this.
Thanks for being here for me and sharing your ES&H with me.

God bless you and Heidi.

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