Re: new here but not to addiction

Home Forums Member Topics New Member Cafe new here but not to addiction Re: new here but not to addiction

Heidi Quist

Hey just read your forum post…I can remember being at the bottom and wanting to start climbing out of my own sh*t and get better. From the sounds of it you want to be happy again. I remember I had to hit rock bottom before I went in to get sober and it was painstaking. I knew tho that I could not go on with my life anymore the way I was going. I finally got a sponsor, meetings, friends in AA and worked the program of AA. I read the first 164 pages of the Big Book and did the 12 Steps with my sponsor. I won’t say that life has been all rainbows and butterflies BUT I would take my worst day sober than my best day using! If you need anything else write another forum post OR friend me on myRecovery!! Thanks for sharing your story.
Heidi Q.