Re: Long shot

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Heidi Quist

Tony – I had to laugh at this post because I too have found myself at various stages of my sobriety getting frustrated with the way people live their lives or act around me because I try so hard every day to be honest…a better person…put my best foot forward…helping others no matter what and here others with not a care in a world how they affect others around them. I think I was 3 years into sobriety when I realized I started doing this and looking at situations around me and letting them change my emotional status. My sponsor started working with me really hard on being okay with in the inevitable and letting go of situations that are out of my control. It was funny my sponsor made me do things I didn’t want to do and put me in uncomfortable situations that drove me nuts. Soon I became better at ignoring what was going on around and just worked on myself because really that was all that mattered. I feel so much better now I’m not carrying everyone else’s baggage around with me!! Loved this post thanks Tony! Love your topics…so true to what goes on in sobriety! – H