Reply To: Im new to my recovery. how does this website work?

Home Forums Member Topics New Member Cafe Im new to my recovery. how does this website work? Reply To: Im new to my recovery. how does this website work?

Heidi Quist

You found it Laura!! 🙂 There are lots of people on here listening, reading and wanting to share their experience, strength and hope!! Hope are you doing so far?? I remember when I first started going to meetings…I felt like I didn’t fit in and I didn’t know how to find a sponsor. The best info I was given was keep showing up and at someone point someone will say something you relate to or that really helps you process things you are going through. I found a sponsor just by going to my meetings over and over again and she kind of fell into my lap! 🙂 If you want there are also meetings on this site that people share their experience, strength and hope and I know many have talked about what you are talking about! I hope I get to meet you in the rooms! Are you going okay now?