Woman Fakes Cancer to Fund Heroin Habit

drugyA Long Island woman who claimed to have an aggressive form of cancer was suffering from a different kind of illness. Brittany Ozarowski reportedly set up a website and Facebook page, approached local businesses and hit up neighbors to raise funds to treat the cancer she said had spread to her spine and brain. But in reality, “there was no cancer, no chemotherapy, no radiation, and no medical bills,” says Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota, “There was just heroin.” Ozarowski is now in jail and faces 24 charges, including forgery and petite larceny, after her cancer story was found to be a ruse in order to raise money to feed her addiction. Ozarowski’s website stated that she was diagnosed with stomach cancer and stage two ovarian cancer in September 2011, which went into remission that December after multiple treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. She claimed she was then diagnosed with bone cancer in February 2012 after doctors found a tumor on her left hip. Her grandmother reportedly sold her house to give a whopping $100,000 for “chemotherapy,” and her dad gave $25,000 from his IRA. Several small businesses also donated gift certificates and held fundraisers, and her former neighbor Denise Bambola donated $10,000. However, prosecutors claim that Ozarowski never received any treatments. “She looked sick… but she was a drug addict, obviously. She looked like she was going to die,” says Bambola. “She completely fooled me. She completely fooled everybody.” Ozarowski is currently being held on $5,000 cash bail. Article Link “the fix”…

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