Recreational Cocaine Use Can Lead To Heart Attacks

Recreational Cocaine Use Can Lead To Heart Attacks

Article Date: 06 Nov 2012


Recreational cocaine users have been found by researchers to have higher blood pressure, harder arteries, and thicker heart muscle walls than individuals who do not use the drug, according to findings showcased at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2012.

Using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), experts from Australia calculated the impact of the drug on 20 individuals, who, aside from cocaine use, were healthy. The researchers determined that when compared with non-users, the people using cocaine had an increased risk of having astroke or heart attack

Cocaine users were found to have an 8mm Hg higher systolic blood pressure than those who did not use the illegal substance, as well as a 30 to 35% increase in stiffening of the aorta. Left ventricle heart wall width of the users were found to be 18% thicker. Read More…

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