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The Recovery Network Recovery Community: A social network in recovery Recovery Programs: Online treatment programs Resource Center: Thousands of recovery tools

It is impossible for any treatment professional – however well-informed – to know about all of the recovery resources in a given community. is uniquely positioned to support your clients. The site also offers health care providers, counselors and social workers with a comprehensive database of thousands of available options including locations of 12-Step meetings, residential facilities, intensive outpatient programs, locations of halfway and sober houses (and what they look like), as well as how to find other professionals and members who have successfully addressed their own addiction. is truly one-stop resource for what is available in a given local community.

After selecting your personal level of privacy, should you want a client to watch a video on addiction and the brain, for example, or a lecture on issues pertaining to late-onset alcoholism, the resources are all there – and more – at the click of a mouse.

Additionally, professionals can also add their own resources to’s constantly-growing library of tools from around the country and around the world.

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I need to refer a client for residential treatment in Alaska. Where do I start looking for information?

You’ve come to the right place. describes facilities for all levels of treatment in every state via its constantly updated listings.

How can I locate a video I’ve read about on addiction and the brain for older adults?

A comprehensive library of thousands of video and audio presentations are available for your clients to use 24 x 7, 365 days a year.

A client of mine wants to find a non-smoking, gay-friendly AA meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. Is there such a thing? And what days does it meet?

Tens of thousands of meetings of every description are listed by city and state.

I am an addiction specialist offering an intensive outpatient program in Denver, CO, and online as well. How can I get the word out?

Add your own postings to’s national Recovery Services database. Our directory is a great way to attract new clients and stay in touch with former patients.

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