About Us

myRecovery.com is a free social networking community and resource center for those in alcohol and drug addiction recovery.
Our goal is to help our members become and remain sober by giving them a platform to connect with others in recovery in order to build a vast support network, and giving them access to a vast arrar of online tools conviently located in one place.


The core to myRecovery.com lies within its community, similar to other social networking community sites such as Facebook, myRecovery offers a full comprehensive profile system with a real time “wall”, the ability to add photos and videos, and the option to display as much or as little information about themselves as they wish.  A person can be completely anonymous if they choose, and the we have taken great measures to ensure privacy.  One option myRecovery.com has included is the ability to list your real name, only your first name and last initial, or a nickname that the users choose themselves.  No personal information is ever shown or given to anyone unless a member chooses to display it themselves on their profile.  Along with the community aspect to the website, members have the ability to search for other members by location, age, ect, in order to connect with other’s in recovery.  The goal here is to allow people in recovery to connect with others in recovery to build a virtual online support network that they can turn to when needed.  Once a connection is made members can communicate with each other via their profile walls, instant messaging system, and on-site private mail box.  In addition to this method, there is also a real time public chat with the ability to communicate in real time with other members whom the user does not need to be friends with, which in addition to real time chat offers the ability to communicate via webcam and microphone.  There is also an open forum section on the site which members are free to post on regarding any number of topics.


Taking the community one step further is the ability for members to create their own groups.  The groups section was designed to allow anyone to create a group for like-minded members to connect.  For example, a member could create a group for people in recovery that also happen to be Minnesota Twins fans.  The groups offer a similar interface to the profiles where each group has its own wall, photos, and each group gets its own private real time chat room that only group members can see or use.  Members can browse or search for existing groups to join, if none exist for their particular interest all they need to do is create one.


All though myRecovery.com has spent a lot of time and effort on building our community infrastructure as our core, it’s by no means all there is to the site.  myRecovery has built a comprehensive resource section within the site with several tools at the user’s fingertips designed to help them in their recovery.   myRecovery has built one of the largest repositories of addiction related videos and audio files available all in one place instantly.  With an interface similar to YouTube, members can search or browse the repository by a number of criteria, whether the member is seeking inspiration or information, they will find something within the video and audio section to help them in their recovery process.


For those looking for real-world aa, na, al-anon, or nar-anon meetings there is a comprehensive meetings search to help people find meetings in their own area.  In addition to helping people find real-world meetings, there is also an online video meetings section that offers meetings on the site for those that either can’t or don’t want to attend an in-person meeting.  These online meetings give the user the ability to just sit back and watch, or to actively participate in the meeting via a webcam and microphone.


myRecovery also keeps its members up to date with the latest news pertaining to addiction within its news section, offers an assessment section where users can fill out short simple questionnaires for themselves or loved ones to assess their problem, and other such tools to aid its members in their addiction recovery.  We also understand that so many features can become overwhelming and time consuming navigating the different sections of the site in order to find what they want.  To help with this issue we’ve created a dashboard customized to the member which is the first page a member comes to when they log in.  The dashboard shows the latest news, online meeting schedule for today and tomorrow, the most recent posts on the member’s wall, a few real-world meetings in that members area, featured videos and audios, and access to the public chat rooms all on one simple page.


myRecovery is also partnering with recovery facilities giving the facilities themselves the ability to leverage myRecovery’s online tools to enhance their alumni communities and aftercare programs.   Partnering facilities receive their own specially tailored, branded, and enhanced alumni groups and can offer their own online aftercare programs using the myRecovery platform.  By partnering with treatment centers myRecovery hopes to help keep those coming out of real world treatment programs sober longer by giving the facilities the online tools their alumni need to remain in contact and continue with their programs even after they’ve completed their residential treatment, no matter how far away the person may be.


While myRecovery.com does not intend to replace existing treatment methods and traditions, it does hope to compliment them by offering their online tools and programs to help people world-wide struggling with addiction to become and remain sober.

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