Re: Support and Guidance

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Tom G

Stephanie, I’m so glad you’ll be at the meeting this Wednesday and Thursday, if you can make that one, too!
One of the benefits of being clean and sober is the trust you get back from the people in your life. That’s great news about your children.
I’m going to write something here that you may not understand right now, but as you delve into your recovery, you will…
Nothing is more important to you than your recovery; that includes your children. That sounds harsh and selfish, but it really isn’t. Without being clean and in recovery, you won’t have your children in your life! Hell, you may not have your own life! The world and graveyards are littered with souls who put their sobriety, being clean and in recovery someplace other than first in their lives. We’ll get more into that on Wednesday.
This recovery thing really does work. We get the benefits (trust, serenity, our children and loved ones in our lives) and put all the negative stuff in our past.
Keep coming back, because it works and we’ll see you on Wednesday! I’m really pulling for you to find peace and be happy, joyous and free. Tom G.