10 Best Movies about Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

recovery-movieAddiction is a compelling topic for literature, art and film. It’s a subject that speaks to the human condition and translates through every culture and society.

Many movies have tackled the subject of addiction and obsession. Some of these movies can be hard to watch. For obvious reasons this subject doesn’t always have the most upbeat and positive story lines. However, many of these films will leave a lasting impact on you as a human being.

*NOTE – These films are just the opinion of the author, and if anyone else has other movies they would like to add, please leave your opinion in the comments section.

Let’s get right to it. Here is the Sober Nation top 10 list of movies about addiction.

half-baked10 – Half Baked

We are starting off our list on a light note. Half Baked may not dive deep into the world of drugs and addiction, but it is funny as hell. The story is about a group of friends who smoke lots of weed, and come up with ways to try and get their friend out of jail.

It is a lighthearted movie that centers around marijuana use and friendship. I never get sick of laughing at Half Baked. As we all know Dave Chappelle is a comedic genius, and he finds a way to take a ridiculous plot line and turn it into a great story that let’s you get to know and like these ridiculous characters.

Never get’s old.

We are starting off our list on a light note. Half Baked may not dive deep into the world of drugs and addiction, but it is funny as hell. The story is about a group of friends who smoke lots of weed, and come up with ways to try and get their friend out of jail.

It is a lighthearted movie that centers around marijuana use and friendship. I never get sick of laughing at Half Baked. As we all know Dave Chappelle is a comedic genius, and he finds a way to take a ridiculous plot line and turn it into a great story that let’s you get to know and like these ridiculous characters.

Never get’s old.

9 – Traffic

Traffic is stuffed with an all star acting crew, and the directing is great.

The movie centers around a conservative judge who is appointed by the President to spearhead America’s “War on Drugs”. Over the course of the film, he discovers that his teenage daughter is a drug addict, and we see how it effects his values and his beliefs. Personal experience will change your opinion of many things, but especially addiction.

The tale is interconnected by the “War on Drugs”, and dives deep into the underground world of drug sales, business, politics and how all of this effects everyday people.

The film does a good job at questioning what is right and wrong, what works and what doesn’t work in our outlook on drugs and the drug war. Read more…

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