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Recovery News

Spirituality in Recovery

Many people feel that serving in the Primary will mean that they will no longer get any spiritual feeding or development. After all, the Primary is the only organization where you miss two hours of classroom instruction in order to teach the children. However, your time serving in the Primary can end up being some of the most spiritual rewarding of your life if you make the effort to grow and learn.

To many people, it seems easier to grow spiritually when they aren't serving in the Primary. They don't need to make as big of an effort because it is just provided for them at the designated times. But when you have to work for something, it seems to mean more. Here are some key ways to develop yourself spiritually at home:

--Read the auxiliary lessons and study them. Pray about them. Use those topics for Family Home Evening lessons.

--Plan your course of study around your Primary lessons. Learn the stories from the scriptures in your lessons well. Study everything you can about the topic you will be covering. This will not only prepare you for your lesson, but you will be able to confidently answer any questions the children in your class may have about the topic. You will find that even a topic that seems super simple can become complex when you study everything there is to learn about it. Be sure to record your thoughts and feelings about the topic in your journal.

--Dive into the church magazines. Be sure to study the messages from the First Presidency each month. Research their topics and learn everything that the prophets have said about it. Pay special attention to the issues that cover General Conference. Prayerfully study them and listen to the spirit for the answers the Lord is trying to share with you.

--Obtain an Institute of Religion study manual. This can help you to increase your gospel knowledge. You will find this to be an invaluable resource in your personal studies.

--Set a goal to live the gospel principle you are studying all week. This will help you to become closer to your Heavenly Father and help to grow your personal testimony of the principle.

Remember that while it will be challenging to work in a personal course of gospel study into a busy schedule, it will be worth it. The rewards you will reap are eternal, and those are the best rewards of all.

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