About Us

myRecovery.com is a free social networking community and resource center for those in alcohol and drug addiction recovery.
Our goal is to help our members become and remain sober by giving them a platform to connect with others in recovery in order to build a vast support network, and giving them access to a vast arrar of online tools conviently located in one place.


The core to myRecovery.com lies within its community, similar to other social networking community sites such as Facebook, myRecovery offers a full comprehensive profile system with a real time “wall”, the ability to add photos and videos, and the option to display as much or as little information about themselves as they wish.  A person can be completely anonymous if they choose, and the we have taken great measures to ensure privacy.  One option myRecovery.com has included is the ability to list your real name, only your first name and last initial, or a nickname that the users choose themselves.  No personal information is ever shown or given to anyone unless a member chooses to display it themselves on their profile.  Along with the community aspect to the website, members have the ability to search for other members by location, age, ect, in order to connect with other’s in recovery.  The goal here is to allow people in recovery to connect with others in recovery to build a virtual online support network that they can turn to when needed.  Once a connection is made members can communicate with each other via their profile walls, instant messaging system, and on-site private mail box.  In addition to this method, there is also a real time public chat with the ability to communicate in real time with other members whom the user does not need to be friends with, which in addition to real time chat offers the ability to communicate via webcam and microphone.  There is also an open forum section on the site which members are free to post on regarding any number of topics.


Taking the community one step further is the ability for members to create their own groups.  The groups section was designed to allow anyone to create a group for like-minded members to connect.  For example, a member could create a group for people in recovery that also happen to be Minnesota Twins fans.  The groups offer a similar interface to the profiles where each group has its own wall, photos, and each group gets its own private real time chat room that only group members can see or use.  Members can browse or search for existing groups to join, if none exist for their particular interest all they need to do is create one.


All though myRecovery.com has spent a lot of time and effort on building our community infrastructure as our core, it’s by no means all there is to the site.  myRecovery has built a comprehensive resource section within the site with several tools at the user’s fingertips designed to help them in their recovery.   myRecovery has built one of the largest repositories of addiction related videos and audio files available all in one place instantly.  With an interface similar to YouTube, members can search or browse the repository by a number of criteria, whether the member is seeking inspiration or information, they will find something within the video and audio section to help them in their recovery process.


For those looking for real-world aa, na, al-anon, or nar-anon meetings there is a comprehensive meetings search to help people find meetings in their own area.  In addition to helping people find real-world meetings, there is also an online video meetings section that offers meetings on the site for those that either can’t or don’t want to attend an in-person meeting.  These online meetings give the user the ability to just sit back and watch, or to actively participate in the meeting via a webcam and microphone.


myRecovery also keeps its members up to date with the latest news pertaining to addiction within its news section, offers an assessment section where users can fill out short simple questionnaires for themselves or loved ones to assess their problem, and other such tools to aid its members in their addiction recovery.  We also understand that so many features can become overwhelming and time consuming navigating the different sections of the site in order to find what they want.  To help with this issue we’ve created a dashboard customized to the member which is the first page a member comes to when they log in.  The dashboard shows the latest news, online meeting schedule for today and tomorrow, the most recent posts on the member’s wall, a few real-world meetings in that members area, featured videos and audios, and access to the public chat rooms all on one simple page.


myRecovery is also partnering with recovery facilities giving the facilities themselves the ability to leverage myRecovery’s online tools to enhance their alumni communities and aftercare programs.   Partnering facilities receive their own specially tailored, branded, and enhanced alumni groups and can offer their own online aftercare programs using the myRecovery platform.  By partnering with treatment centers myRecovery hopes to help keep those coming out of real world treatment programs sober longer by giving the facilities the online tools their alumni need to remain in contact and continue with their programs even after they’ve completed their residential treatment, no matter how far away the person may be.


While myRecovery.com does not intend to replace existing treatment methods and traditions, it does hope to compliment them by offering their online tools and programs to help people world-wide struggling with addiction to become and remain sober.

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Featured Audio

Author: Joe and Charlie
Length: 17:29

Joe and Charlie Present Big Book with a focus on AA history

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Tools and Information About MyRecovery.com

Many people feel overwhelmed, isolated and hopeless when faced with these challenges. Without the structured environment, ongoing support and ongoing recovery program, as many as 50% can relapse within the first year. Our Online Program provides the structure, support and accountability they need stay on the right track.

My Recovery Site Tools


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Resources Assessment Tools

The online assessments section contains short addiction self- assessment tools based on certified industry accepted standards and criteria. They provide a starting point for individuals who may be concerned that they have an issue with alcohol or drug addiction.

Welcome to the My Recovery Alcohol Addiction Evaluation
The alcohol addiction screening self-evaluations provided on myRecovery.com are intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

Alcohol Abuse Screening Quiz

Answering these twenty questions will give you an idea if your drinking patterns are safe, risky or harmful.

The evaluation is confidential and anonymous; your results are not recorded; and are available only to you. You will not be asked for any personal ID information.

This quiz was developed by the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital. If you consume alcoholic beverages, this quiz can give you an idea how your drinking may fall into harmful patterns and indicate whether or not you have a drinking problem.

When answering the questions, use the last 12 months as a frame of reference.

Note: This quiz does not include alcohol use.

Begin Quiz
Do you lose time from work due to drinking?

Drug Abuse Screening Quiz

Answering these twenty questions will help you decide whether you should seek help for drug abuse.

The evaluation confidential and anonymous; your results are not recorded; and are available only to you. You will not be asked for any personal ID information.

This quiz was adapted from the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center. After answering all the questions, you will receive a score which is a guide to the advisability of seeking treatment.

When answering the questions, use the last 12 months as a frame of reference. In the quiz, “drug abuse” refers to the use of prescribed or “over the counter” drugs in excess of the directions, the use of any illegal drugs or any non-medical use of drugs.

Note: This quiz does not include drug use.

Begin Quiz
1. Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?

Welcome to the My Recovery Alcohol Addiction Evaluation
The alcohol addiction screening self-evaluations provided on myRecovery.com are intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

What is Alcoholism?

Alcohol Dependence Syndrome

The term “alcoholism” refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome, the most severe stage of a group of drinking problems which begins with binge drinking and alcohol abuse. Types of Alcohol Problem: Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity, from mild and annoying to life-threatening. Although alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is the most severe stage, less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous.

Types of Alcohol Problems

Binge Drinking: Officially, binge drinking means having five or more drinks in one session for men and four or more for women. Another definition for binge drinking is simply drinking to get drunk. It is the most common drinking problem for young people, under age 21.

Alcohol Abuse: Binge drinking turns into alcohol abuse when someone’s drinking begins to cause problems and the drinking continues anyway. Alcohol abuse is when someone continues to drink in spite of continued social, interpersonal or legal difficulties. Alcohol abuse can result in missing time at school or work, neglecting child or household responsibilities or trouble with the law.

Alcohol Dependence: Alcohol abuse becomes alcohol dependence when drinkers begin to experience a craving for alcohol, a loss of control of their drinking, withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking and an increased tolerance to alcohol so that they have to drink more to achieve the same effect. Alcohol dependence is a chronic and often progressive disease that includes a strong need to drink despite repeated problems.

Is Alcoholism Inherited? Alcoholism tends to run in families and a vast amount of scientific research indicates that genetics play a role in developing alcohol problems. But research also shows that a person’s environment and peer influences also impact the risk of becoming alcohol dependent. Although a massive amount of scientific research indicates heredity plays some role in developing alcoholism, having a family history of alcoholism does not doom a person into becoming an alcoholic. The genetic tendencies can be overcome.

Welcome to the My Recovery Alcohol Addiction Evaluation
The alcohol addiction screening self-evaluations provided on myRecovery.com are intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

What is addiction?

Definition of Addiction:

A chronic relapsing condition characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and abuse and by long-lasting chemical changes in the brain. Addiction is the same irrespective of whether the drug is alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or nicotine. Every addictive substance induces pleasant states or relieves distress. Continued use of the addictive substance induces adaptive changes in the brain that lead to tolerance, physical dependence, uncontrollable craving and, all too often, relapse.

Dependence is at such a point that stopping is very difficult and causes severe physical and mental reactions from withdrawal. The risk of addiction is in part inherited. Genetic factors, for example, account for about 40% of the risk of alcoholism. The genetic factors predisposing to addiction are not yet fully understood.

Addiction and Dependence

Drug Addiction is a state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a drug (natural or synthetic). Its characteristics include: (i) an overpowering desire or need (compulsion) to continue taking the drug and to obtain it by any means; (ii) a tendency to increase the dose; (iii) a psychic (psychological) and generally a physical dependence on the effects of the drug; and (iv) detrimental effects on the individual and on society.

Drug habituation (habit) is a condition resulting from the repeated consumption of a drug. Its characteristics include (i) a desire (but not a compulsion) to continue taking the drug for the sense of improved well-being which it engenders; (ii) little or no tendency to increase the dose; (iii) some degree of psychic dependence on the effect of the drug, but absence of physical dependence and hence of an abstinence syndrome [withdrawal], and (iv) detrimental effects, if any, primarily on the individual.

Pseudo Addiction is a term which is used to describe patient behaviors that may occur when pain is undertreated. Patients with unrelieved pain may become focused on obtaining medications, may “clock watch,” and may otherwise seem inappropriately “drug seeking.” Even such behaviors as illicit drug use and deception can occur in the patient’s efforts to obtain relief.

Welcome to the My Recovery Alcohol Addiction Evaluation
The alcohol addiction screening self-evaluations provided on My Recovery.com are intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

Disclaimer: Our Views on Addiction Self Evaluation

Our evaluations are intended to be educational, and they may help increase your awareness of particular experiences or of addiction distress. They are not by themselves tools for diagnosing any type of health or addiction condition. Addiction evaluations on myRecovery.com should not be understood as providing any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

In the view of myRecovery.com self-administered addiction evaluations may help to enhance self-awareness of one’s own experiences, but cannot give any well-informed recommendation about what should be done about those experiences. In other words, by asking about particular experiences, an addiction evaluation may simply help highlight elements of those experiences. Having those experiences highlighted may offer an individual an opportunity to reflect on them at greater length, or to consider their relevance in a broader life context.

What an individual chooses to do, or “should” choose to do with the results of any evaluation on myRecovery.com, is a matter for the individual and should not be dictated by the evaluation alone.

Your Privacy is Guaranteed… Privacy Policy

Welcome to the My Recovery Alcohol Addiction Evaluation
The alcohol addiction screening self-evaluations provided on My Recovery.com are intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.

Protecting your Evaluation Privacy

How we protect your privacy

myRecovery.com does not retain any information about the answers you provide to in the evaluations on this site.

All our of our evaluations are scored by your own computer, using javascript code that is loaded by your web browser along with the page that contains the evaluation you are taking. Unlike evaluations on other sites that make use of CGI or ASP technology for scoring evaluations, our method means that your individual answers are never even transmitted to our servers.

Once the javascript on your computer has computed your results, it requests a page from our site to describe the results for the relevant score range. This page request is the only interaction between your individual test results and our servers.

In accordance with our privacy policy, we may use aggregate data about which pages of the overall site have been visited for site development purposes, but individual users are not identified in this aggregate data.

Disclaimer on Self Evaluation… Read Policy

Alcohol Abuse Screening Quiz

Answering these twenty questions will give you an idea if your drinking patterns are safe, risky or harmful.

The evaluation is confidential and anonymous; your results are not recorded; and are available only to you. You will not be asked for any personal ID information.

This quiz was developed by the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital. If you consume alcoholic beverages, this quiz can give you an idea how your drinking may fall into harmful patterns and indicate whether or not you have a drinking problem.

When answering the questions, use the last 12 months as a frame of reference.

Note: This quiz does not include alcohol use.

Do you lose time from work due to drinking?
Is drinking making your homelife unhappy?
Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
Is drinking affecting your reputation?
Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?
Have you had financial difficulties as a result of drinking?
Do you turn to inferior companions and environments when drinking?
Does your drinking make you careless of your family’s welfare?
Has your ambition decreased since drinking?
Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
Do you want a drink the next morning?
Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?
Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?
Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?
Do you drink alone?
Have you ever had a loss of memory as a result of drinking?
Has you physician ever treated you for drinking?
Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?
Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of drinking?

View Results

You answered 0 of 20 questions Yes.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation

You answered 0 of 20 questions Yes.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Drug Abuse Screening Quiz

Answering these twenty questions will help you decide whether you should seek help for drug abuse.

The evaluation confidential and anonymous; your results are not recorded; and are available only to you. You will not be asked for any personal ID information.

This quiz was adapted from the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center. After answering all the questions, you will receive a score which is a guide to the advisability of seeking treatment.

When answering the questions, use the last 12 months as a frame of reference. In the quiz, “drug abuse” refers to the use of prescribed or “over the counter” drugs in excess of the directions, the use of any illegal drugs or any non-medical use of drugs.

Note: This quiz does not include drug use.

Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?
Have you abused prescription drugs?
Do you abuse more than one drug at a time?
Do you use drugs more than once a week?
Have you tried stop using drugs and were not able to do so?
Have you had blackouts or flashbacks as a result of drug use?
Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use?
Does your spouse -or parents – ever complain about your involvement with drugs?
Has drug abuse created problems between you and your spouse or your parents?
Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs?
Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs?
Have you been in trouble at work because of your use of drugs?
Have you lost a job because of drug abuse?
Have you gotten into fights when under the influence of drugs?
Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs?
Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs?
Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking drugs?
Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use – memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc.?
Have you gone to anyone for help for a drug problem?
Have you been involved in a treatment program especially related to drug use?

View Results

You answered 0 items out of 20 Yes.

According to the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center, the level of advisability of seeking drug treatment at this time is based on the number of Yes answers you gave. Your score indicates a low level.

You answered 0 items out of 20 Yes.

According to the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center, the level of advisability of seeking drug treatment at this time is based on the number of Yes answers you gave. Your score indicates a moderate level.

You answered 0 items out of 20 Yes.

According to the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center, the level of advisability of seeking drug treatment at this time is based on the number of Yes answers you gave. Your score indicates a substantial level.

You answered 0 items out of 20 Yes.

According to the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center, the level of advisability of seeking drug treatment at this time is based on the number of Yes answers you gave. Your score indicates a severe level.

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was developed by the World Health Organization in 1982 as a simple way to screen and identify people who are at risk of developing alcohol problems.

The AUDIT test focuses on identifying the preliminary signs of hazardous drinking and mild dependence. It is used to detect alcohol problems experienced within the last year. It is one of the most accurate alcohol screening tests available, rated 92 percent effective in detecting hazardous or harmful drinking.

Unlike some alcohol screening tests, the AUDIT has proven to be accurate across all ethnic and gender groups.

The test contains 10 multiple choice questions on quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption, drinking behavior and alcohol-related problems or reactions. The answers are scored on a point system; a score of more than eight indicates an alcohol problem.

Please select the answer that most closely approximates the person being assessed. To correctly answer some of these questions you need to know the definition of a drink. For this test one drink is: One can of beer (12 oz or approximately 330 ml of 5% alcohol), or One glass of wine (5 oz or approximately 140 ml of 12% alcohol), or One shot of liquor (1.5 oz or approximately 40 ml of 40% alcohol).

How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Never (Skip to Questions 9-10)
Monthly or less
2 to 4 times a month
2 to 3 times a week
4 or more times a week
How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
1 or 2
3 or 4
5 or 6
7, 8 or 9
10 or more
How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink first thing in the morning to get yourself going after a night of heavy drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?
Yes, but not in the last year
Yes, during the last year
Has a relative, friend, doctor, or another health professional expressed concern about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
Yes, but not in the last year
Yes, during the last year

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 40 possible points.
A total score of 8 or more indicates harmful drinking behavior.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 40 possible points.
A total score of 8 or more indicates harmful drinking behavior.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST), Revised

This 22-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of alcohol. This test specifically focuses on alcohol use, and not on the use of other drugs. A separate test called ‘DAST‘ focuses on non-alcohol drugs. Please read our disclaimer on psychological testing and our psychological testing privacy guarantee.

Completing this Psychological Screening Test

To take the questionnaire, please click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Please give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time.

Do you feel you are a normal drinker? (“normal” means drinking as much or less than most other people)?
Have you ever awakened the morning after some drinking the night before and found that you could not remember a part of the evening?
Does any near relative or close friend ever worry or complain about your drinking?
Can you stop drinking without difficulty after one or two drinks?
Do you ever feel guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?
Have you ever gotten into physical fights when drinking?
Has drinking ever created problems between you and a near relative or close friend?
Has any family member or close friend gone to anyone for help about your drinking?
Have you ever lost friends because of your drinking?
Have you ever gotten into trouble at work because of drinking?
Have you ever lost a job because of drinking?
Have you ever neglected your obligations, your family, or your work for two or more days in a row because you were drinking?
Do you drink before noon fairly often?
Have you ever been told you have liver trouble such as cirrhosis?
After heavy drinking have you ever had delirium tremens (D.T.’s), severe shaking, visual or auditory (hearing) hallucinations?
Have you ever gone to anyone for help about your drinking?
Have you ever been hospitalized because of drinking?
Has your drinking ever resulted in your being hospitalized in a psychiatric ward?
Have you ever gone to any doctor, social worker, clergyman or mental health clinic for help with any emotional problem in which drinking was part of the problem?
Have you been arrested more than once for driving under the influence of alcohol?
Have you ever been arrested, even for a few hours, because of other behavior while drinking?

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 22 possible points.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 22 possible points.

Your score indicates you may be an early or middle stage problem drinker , please contact a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Your score is 0 out of 22 possible points.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Show additional information…

About Scoring this Psychological Questionnaire

This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each ‘yes’ answer — except for questions 1 and 4, where 1 point is allocated for each ‘no’ answer — and totaling the responses. Please note that we have provided the current revised version of the MAST; the original MAST included 25 questions and used a more complex scoring method.

Additional Information

One of the most widely used measures for assessing alcohol abuse, the MAST is a questionnaire designed to provide a rapid and effective screening for lifetime alcohol-related problems and alcoholism. The MAST has been productively used in a variety of settings with varied populations. For additional information, please see, for example:

Selzer, M.L. (1971) ‘The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST): The quest for a new diagnostic instrument’, American Journal of Psychiatry, 127:1653-1658.

Maisto, S.A., Connors, G.J. & Allen, J.P. (1995) ‘Contrasting self-report screens for alcohol problems: A review’, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(6):1510-1516.

Bradley, KA; Boyd-Wickizer, J; Powell, SH; Burman, ML. (1998) ‘Alcohol screening questionnaires in women: A critical review’, Journal of the American Medical Association 280(2): 166-171

Teitelbaum, L. & Mullen, B. (2000) ‘Validity of the MAST in psychiatric settings: A META-analytic integration’, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61(2):254-261.

Hirata, E.S.; Almeida, O.P.; Funari, R.R.; Klein, E.L. (2001) ‘Validity of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) for the Detection of Alcohol-Related Problems Among Male Geriatric Outpatients’, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 9:30-34

The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)

This 20-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of drugs. This test specifically does not include alcohol use. Separate tests called ‘CAGE‘ and ‘MAST‘ focus on alcohol use. Please read our disclaimer on psychological testing and our psychological testing privacy guarantee.

Completing this Psychological Screening Test

To take the questionnaire, please click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Please give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time.

For the purposes of this screening test, drug abuse refers to:
1. The use of prescribed or “over the counter” drugs in excess of the directions, and
2. Any non-medical use of drugs

Remember, for the purposes of this screening test, the questions do not refer to alcoholic beverages. The DAST does not include alcohol use. Separate tests called ‘CAGE‘ and ‘MAST‘ focus on alcohol use.

Please check the one response to each item that best describes how you have felt over the past 12 months.

Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?
Have you abused prescription drugs?
Do you abuse more than one drug at a time?
Can you get through the week without using drugs?
Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to?
Have you had “blackouts” or “flashbacks” as a result of drug use?
Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use?
Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with drugs?
Has drug abuse created problems between you and your spouse or your parents?
Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs?
Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs?
Have you been in trouble at work because of your use of drugs?
Have you lost a job because of drug abuse?
Have you gotten into fights when under the influence of drugs?
Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs?
Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs?
Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking drugs?
Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use (e.g., memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc.)?
Have you gone to anyone for help for a drug problem?
Have you been involved in a treatment program especially related to drug use?

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 20 possible points.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 20 possible points.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Show additional information…

About Scoring this Psychological Questionnaire

This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each ‘yes’ answer — except for questions 4 and 5, where 1 point is allocated for each ‘no’ answer — and totalling the responses.

Additional Information

The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) is one of the most widely used screening tests for drug abuse and addiction. Additional information is available in the following reference:

Gavin DR; Ross HE; Skinner HA. (1989) ‘Diagnostic validity of the Drug Abuse Screening Test in the assessment of DSM-III drug disorders’, British Journal of Addiction 84(3): 301-307.

The FAST Alcohol Screening Test
Designed to Detect Hazardous Drinking

The FAST alcohol screening test was developed specifically to be used in busy medical offices and emergency rooms to screen patients for hazardous drinking, although it has also been used effectively in the general population.

The AUDIT test, a longer screening test, has been an extremely effective screening tool for many years. But, it takes too long to administer and score in most busy physician offices and emergency rooms. The FAST test was developed by taking four key questions from the AUDIT test and arranging them into a short, two-phase test.

When compared to the full AUDIT test, the FAST test detects 93 percent of hazardous drinkers detected by the longer version.

Shortest Test Available

Unlike the CAGE test, the FAST test measures a person’s hazardous drinking in the past year. The CAGE test is designed to test alcohol dependency over a lifetime.

More than half of patients given the FAST test only have to answer the first question. Depending on the response to the first question of the test, the other questions may not be asked at all, making the FAST test potentially the shortest screening tool available today.

How often do you have eight or more drinks on one occasion?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your drinking?
Less than monthly
Daily or almost daily
Has a relative or friend, a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
Yes, but not in the last year
Yes, in the last year

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 16 possible points.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 16 possible points.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Show additional information…

About Scoring this Psychological Questionnaire

The maximum score is 16. A total score of 3 indicates hazardous drinking.

If a person answer “never” on the first question, he or she is not a hazardous drinker and the remaining questions are not necessary.

If a person answers “weekly” or “daily or almost daily” on the first question, he or she is considered a hazardous drinker and the rest of the questions are skipped.

If a person answers “monthly” or “less than monthly” to the first question, the other three questions are needed to complete the screening for hazardous drinking.

The TWEAK Alcohol Screening Test
Test Designed for Pregnant Women

The TWEAK alcohol screening test is a short, five-question test which was originally designed to screen pregnant women for harmful drinking habits. Researchers at the Research Institute on Addictions at Buffalo, New York, Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Wayne State University developed the TWEAK as a short test more sensitive to detecting alcohol problems in pregnant women.

Note: Any level of drinking during pregnancy can be harmful.

Their follow-up research revealed that the TWEAK test was more effective than the T-ACE test in diagnosing harmful drinking in women.

TWEAK has also been used to screen for harmful drinking in the general population, outpatients, hospital patients, and in emergency room settings.

The test is made up of three questions which appear on the CAGE test, plus two additional questions — one about the person’s tolerance to alcohol and another about blackouts.

The name of the test is an acronym for Tolerance, Worried, Eye-opener, Amnesia, and K/Cut down (with a poetic license use of “K” instead of “C” for cutting down on alcohol consumption).

How many drinks does it take to make you feel high?
1 or 2
3 or more
Have close friends or relatives worried or complained about your drinking in the past year?
Do you sometimes take a drink in the morning when you first get up?
Has a friend or family member ever told you about things you said or did while you were drinking that you could not remember?
Do you sometimes feel the need to cut down on your drinking?

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 7 possible points.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 7 possible points.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

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Scoring the TWEAK Test

The maximum score on the test is seven points, with the first two questions counting for two points each and the last three one point each. Note about question 1: If a woman responds that it takes three or more drinks to feel high, she scores two points. If she responds “less than three,” she scores zero on the question.

A total score of two or more on the test is an indication of harmful drinking and further evaluation is indicated.

Some may substitute the following for question 1: “How many drinks can you hold?” If a woman responds that she can hold more than five drinks (meaning she can drink more than five without passing out), she scores two points; she scores zero if she reports less than five.

The CAGE Questionnaire
A Screening Test for Alcohol Dependence

This simple 4-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of alcohol. This test specifically focuses on alcohol use, and not on the use of other drugs. A separate test called ‘DAST‘ focuses on non-alcohol drugs. Please read our disclaimer on psychological testing and our psychological testing privacy guarantee.

Completing this Psychological Screening Test

To take the questionnaire, please click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to your feelings and behavior over your whole life. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Please give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time.

Please check the one response to each item that best describes how you have felt and behaved over your whole life.

Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)?

View Results

Your score is 0 out of 4 possible points.

Your score does not indicate that you need to seek further evaluation.

Your score is 0 out of 4 possible points.

Your score indicates that you should seek further evaluation from a Physician Specializing in Addiction or a “chemical dependency” professional.

Show additional information……

About Scoring this Psychological Questionnaire

This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each ‘yes’ answer. When your quiz is scored, one of 2 different information pages will appear to describe the results for scores in your range.

Additional Information

The CAGE questionnaire was developed by Dr. John Ewing, founding director of the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CAGE is an internationally used assessment instrument for identifying problems with alcohol. ‘CAGE’ is an acronym formed from the italicized letters in the questionnaire (cut-annoyed-guilty-eye).

The exact wording that can be used in research studies can be found in: JA Ewing (1984) ‘Detecting Alcoholism: The CAGE Questionaire’, Journal of the American Medical Association 252: 1905-1907.

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reshands The fellowships play a key role in  where you will learn to incorporate the Twelve Steps and  Twelve Traditions into their day-to-day activities and  relationships. The On-Line Induvidual Program is supportive and educational in nature.  Through AA approved literature.



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resfolders The recovery library is a collection of many types of documents  where you will learn to incorporate the Twelve Steps and  Twelve Traditions into their day-to-day activities and  relationships. The On-Line Induvidual Program is supportive and educational in nature.  Through AA approved literature.

